
Selasa, 19 April 2016

Syntax ??? What is syntax?

== Definition of Syntax?

Syntax is derived from the Greek "Syn (together)" and "taxis (series/order)". So, the syntax is one of branches of linguistics that studies about the rules in the form of phrases, and phrases into a sentences.

In addition, the syntax can also be interpreted as a branch of linguistics that studies about structure of the sentence which has grammar.

==  The Explanation about Syntax
In syntax, there are some parts of the sentence structure, among others, subject, verb, object, complement, and adverb.
Adeline reads a magazine every Sunday morning.
S         V            O              Adverb of time
There are two parts of a sentence that is very important to analyze the syntax, namely: Phrases and Clauses.

1)==Frasa (Phrase)

The phrase is a group of words that has a function as a unit in a sentence. There are several kinds of phrases, among others: Noun Phrase,  Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Prepositional Phrase,  Infinitive Phrase, Gerund Phrase, Participial Phrase , Appositive Phrase, and Absolute Phrase.

1= Noun Phrase 

Noun Phrase is a phrase derived from the noun which has a functioning as subject or object of the sentence.
Noun phrase can form in several ways, among others:
  1. Articles + noun
  2. Demonstrative + Noun
  3. Possessive adjective + noun
  4. Can also use the numeral.

A. Article + Noun
= Idefinite article + Noun

Indefinite article is the word (sandang) a and an.
Example : a truck                  an examination                        an investment
A series of words "a truck" is a noun phrase, "a" describes the noun "truck"; "Truck" is a headword in the phrase, "a" is a word that describes the headword.

= Definite Article + Noun

Definite article is the article uses "The".
Example: The ship The soup The cars The models
The series of words above are phrases objects. "The" describes the noun "ship, soup, cars model". The words "ship, soup, cars, model" are the words of the headword; "The" explained the headword.

B. Demonstrative Adjective + Noun
Demonstrative adjective is a word "this, these, that, dan those”.
Example  : 
This song           Those disasters       These tragedies            
That poem          That stranger          This liquid

C. Possesive Adjective + Noun
Possessive adjective is a word that says the owner of something, for example “my, yours, his, her, its, our, their, jean’s, Mr.Jones’, etc”.
Example :
Her computers                  Brittany’s question
Your ideas                         Mr. Jones’ bag

2. Numerals
Numerals is "one, two, three, ten, etc".
Example: Two apples      four members

3. Quantitative adjective + Noun
The words that denote the number of an object, for example : "some, any, much, many, a lot of, few, a little, etc".
Example: some marvels       much wine         many wife

4. Qualitative adjective + Noun
The words that show the nature/adjective or state of an object, for example: "white, large, important, harmless, etc".
Example: kind treatments       clear sky       underpaid works

5. Establishment Noun Phrase with "Of'
"Of" is used to merge two nouns or noun phrases, where the noun which there in front of  is part of or belonging to a noun in the back "of" and a whole new form noun phrases; phrase this thing can still be associated with the phrase of another to infinity.
Example: the roof of the house = atap rumah

2= Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is a phrase consisting of a combination of auxiliary verb with a verbs. 
Example :
  • Cindy has taken the job.
  • Fiki has been coming late everyday.

Additionally, Verb phrase or Phrasal verb is a verb followed by adverb or preposition or both.

* Transitive verb phrase is a verb phrase that requires an object.
Example :
  • Thomas ran up huge debts by borrowing money to try to keep the company going.
  • Thomas filled up the tank with petrol.
  • The wind blew my hat off.

* Intransitive verb phrase need not object.
  • Elly always stay up all night when she will get an exam.
  • We were late because our car broke down.
  • I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
* Some examples of verb phrase

Blow up       Check out      Hang out
Call up         Drop out        Move on
Carry on      Give up          Push up
Carry out      Go away       Speak up

3= Adjective Phrase

Adjective phrase is a phrase that consists of an adjective and a modifier, determiner, and / or intensifier.
  • Margareth opened a sweet young durian.
  • After Nanda’s accident, her behavior became weird and weird.
  • Beno thought the candy tastes very extremely sweet

4= Adverb Phrase

Adverb Phrase is a phrase that consists of an adverb with a qualifier (too, very, so, during) or in the form of prepositional phrase or infinitive phrase.
Example : 
The people couldn’t do anything during the hurricane.
(Orang-orang tidak dapat melakukan apapun selama badai.)

5= Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional phrase is a combination of the preposition with the object and function as an adverb.
Example :
  • There is distance between you and me. (Ada jarak antara kamu dan aku.)
  • The book on the bathroom floor is wet.

2== Clause

Clause is a sentence which must have a subject and a predicate or verbs.

There are two forms of the clause, such as  Independent clause and Dependent clause . Independent clause (main clause) can stand alone and isn't preceded by a subordinate conjunction. Instead dependent clause (clause) is usually preceded subordinate conjunction such as, "Because, when, while etc". and can not be fully understood its meaning if it does not stand with the parent sentence.

Example :
  • He climbed the tree -- independent clause
  • When it was raining -- dependent clause 

So, if the two sentences above are combined, it will be a complex sentence (kalimat majemuk bertingkat) 

He climbed the tree when it was raining -- complex sentence
                  IC                    DC

There are three forms of dependent clause in the English language that are noun clause, adjective clause and adverb clause.

Syntax is also known as the study of the rules that must be followed to create well-formed phrases, clauses and sentences.

Correct and Incorrect Syntax 

  • Incorrect : 
  • While watching a movie, people who text on their phone are very annoying.
  • Correct :
  • People who text on their phone while watching a movie are very annoying.

The phrase "while watching a movie" modifies the noun phrase "People who text on their phone" by explaining when they text. The modifier should follow the noun phrase of the sentence.

  • Incorrect :
  • Happy about her upcoming promotion, the trip home was full of singing.
  • Correct :
  • Happy about her upcoming promotion, Sammie sang all the way home.

The phrase "Sammie sang all the way home" is more descriptive than "the trip home was full of singing.

Ok guys, thanks for still reading my posting. I just know about it, and I'm sorry if there are many wrong word in this paper. I hope you will get the knowledge from this paper.
Happy Reading


27 komentar:

  1. What is function syntax for you..?

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. I think, it's necessary for communication. It has to do with the grammatically correct order of words in a sentence. Sentences with incorrect syntax sometimes can not be understood. So, syntax is important for us.

  2. What is function syntax for you..?

  3. Hi nurul fathia salma this your material I very interestid
    Good nurul Good success. Thank you😊

  4. Your presentations is nice and I understand

    1. Thank you Gita, I hope you get the point from this blog and my presentation..😊

  5. Can u recommend 5 others references or web that explain about syntax, so others can learn from it..tq

    1. Well Sir, I will add more references about syntax as soon as possible. Thank you, Sir.

  6. Hi nurul..your blog is intereting but so dark,about content is nice,and i get point.thank you

    1. Thank you Shelvira and thanks for your criticism. I'm sorry if my background in this blog is dark for you. Because I like dark colours, hehe. Maybe on the next time, I'll change the colour, tq 😊

  7. Hi nurul..your blog is intereting but so dark,about content is nice,and i get point.thank you

  8. Hi Tia...your blog is nice...I like your presentation today but, why don't your explain about sentence ? why should you finished until phrase only.... please continue until sentence. it will complate. thank you tia....

    1. Hallo Mem,I'm so sorry, lost my concentration, because I was not fine at that time. But, I have explained the example of sentence in syntax. In a form of correct and incorrect sentence. maybe I forgot to explain about the definition of the sentence, right?

      Well, sentence is a grammatical unit of one or more words that expresses an independent statement, question,request, command, exclamation, etc. In general word order of an English sentence is “Subject+Verb+Object”. In my blog, there are the explanation about correct and incorrect syntax in the sentence.

      Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, Mem 😊 I'll try to write better..

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. Could you tell me more about establishment noun phrase with "of" ? Thank you :)

  12. Hi Tia...your blog is nice...I like your presentation,thanks for your information:)

  13. hi, i wanna know how to determine adv phrase? thanks

  14. Hi Nurul, What is noun phrase, adverb phrase, adjective phrase and verb phrase? Thanks

  15. Hi, what is correct and incorrect syntax?

  16. so syntax is study about structure of language, what is differenciate between syntax in indonesia and english? why the student hard to understand with it?

  17. can you explain more about Adjective Phrase?

  18. Hi tia your blog so interesting and i got information from your blog

  19. hi thia, coud you give me more examples of "Establishment Noun Phrase with "Of' " ? thanks :)

  20. hi thia, could you more explain about Prepositional Phrase ? because, i dont understand
