
Rabu, 21 September 2016

Introduction to Literature : Prose

    Introduction to Literature is a college-preparatory literature and composition course. It is written mostly to the student. So, in this lesson you will learn about Literature which divided in to three genres, such as : Prose, Poetry, and Drama.

     I will explain you in sequence about Literature, The Importance of Learning Literature, Prose Definition and then Tips on How to Write a Good Prose. 

A. Literature Definitions.

    Literature is any single body of written works. More precisely, It is writing considered as an art form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. 

  Wellek and Warren (1989) limit their definition of literature to pieces of "imaginative literature". The language in literary works is contrasted from scientific and other language by the use of connotative (non-literal) language and expressive content. Studies of literature must be literary and systematic.

14th Century : Literature is polite learning through reading. A man of literature is Literacy.
18th Century : Literature is practice and profession of writing.
19th Century : Literature is the high skills of writing in the special context of high imagination.

B. The Importance of Learning Literature.

There are many benefits of learning Literature, including :
  1. Learning/reading literature improves our Language proficiency.
  2. Learning/reading literature enchances our understanding about culture of others.
  3. Learning/reading literature shapes our goal and values byclarifying our own identity both positively and negatively.
  4. Learning/reading literature gives us a valuable chance to explore the nature of human being.\
  5. Learning/reading literature helps us grow personally and intellectualy.
  6. Etc.                

C. Prose Definition

There are many definition about Prose, such as :

  1. Prose is a form of language that prossesses ordinary syntax and natural speech ruther than rhythmic structure. 
  2. Prose is the ordinary form of weitten language.
  3. Prose imitates the spoken language.
The elements of prose are 5W1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How).

Prose divided in two types :
  • Prose (Fiction) : is an imaginary story, that someone tell in everyday with natural language. Included in Prose Fiction, among others :

  • Prose (Non-Fiction) : is any literary that is based mainly on fact, even though it may contain fictional elements, for examples :

D. Tips on How to Write a Good Prose

There are tips on how to write better prose  among others :

  1. Get an imagination. If it's been done before, find a different way to do it andd if it's been said before, find a dofferent way to say it.
  2. Don't start stories with the seasons, weathers or time conditions.
  3. Good prose is like a song.
  4. Don't start with "It was" , "It's" or "When".
  5. Don't ever use time stamp sub heads (ie :12:15 P.M) to break up a feature story. Write in scanes.
  6. Employ the elements of the novel : scane, setting, characters, dialogue drama.
  7. Don't begin your narrative stories with the climax. begin a couple scenes before the climax, then backtrack, then move forward. Give the reader a reason to keep reading until the end. 
  8. Ask your self, why am I wraiting this detail?
  9. Be true to your writing.
  10. To write is to talk to strangers. You have to inspire confidence to seem and to be trustworthy.
  11. Don't concentrate on technique, give your self to your story.
  12. Try to attune your self to the sound of your own writing. 
  13. The best work is done when one's eye is simply on the work not on its consequence or on its oneself.
So, Literature is a work of art that usually shaped of writing, It is broadly divided into three types: Prose, poetry, and drama. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I hope it will be useful..

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