
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016


Crescent Brings Love

Yen Helvita masih duduk dibangku SMA ketika ia berkenalan dengan Drs. H. Ali Zardi. Yen berasal dari desa Taratak Payakumbuh, Sumatra Barat bersamaan dengan Ali Zardi. Mereka berdua berasal dari kampung yang sama. Karena orang dulu, khususnya daerah Sumatra Barat kebanyakan mencari pasangan yang berada satu kampung dengannya.

Yen lahir dengan nama Yen Helvita, di Taratak, 19 Februari 1965. Kedua orang tuanya merupakan orang yang disegani di desa yaitu H. Ali Nursal dan Nurbayalis .

Yen tidak pernah menonjolkan silsilahnya. Meskipun kakeknya merupakan sesepuh di kampungnya. Ia justru memilih mengadopsi ajaran keagamaan dan nilai-nilai warisan leluhur dari orang tuanya sejak dini. Oleh karena itu, Ia melanjutkan pendidikannya di IAIN Jakarta yang kini berubah nama menjadi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah setelah menyelesaikan sekolahnya di  MAN  Padang Japang, Payakumbuh. Latar belakang keluarga yang religius membuat Yen mengambil konsentrasi pendidikan di bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam.

Ali Zardi sendiri lahir di Taratak, 10 Maret 1955. Ia lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Buya Edi. Kedua orang tuanya juga merupakan orang yang disegani di desa tempat ia tinggal M. Janas dan Samniar. 

Sejak kecil Ali dikenal santun. Ia lulusan strata satu Ilmu dakwah dan Syiar di Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Qur’an, Jakarta. Sebelumnya ia pernah bersekolah di MAN Tabek Gadang, Payakumbuh. Setelah lulus dari Madrasah Aliyah yang sejenjang dengan Sekolah menengah Atas, ia memutuskan untuk merantau ke ibu kota dan bekerja selama satu tahun sebelum akhirnya menjadi seorang mahasiswa. Sehingga namanya kiti berganti menjadi Drs.H. Ali Zardi.
Perkenalan Buya Edi dan Yen menumbuhkan rasa suka diantara mereka berdua. Mereka semakin akrab setelah Yen ikut berkuliah di Jakarta sehingga mereka saling jatuh cinta. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Qur’an, Buya Edi melamar Yen dan dilanjutkan dengan pernikahan. Kala itu Yen berusia 21 Tahun dan Buya Edi berusia 31 tahun. Perbedaan usia yang cukup jauh tidak menghalangi mereka untuk membangun rumah tangga. Mereka menikah di Payakumbuh, 8 Juni 1986. Saat itu Yen masih berstatus mahasiswa semester tiga Pendidikan Agama Islam di IAIN Jakarta.

Selepas menikah, Buya Edi membawa kembali istrinya ke Jakarta. Mereka tinggal di sebuah rumah kos daerah Pasar Jum’at, Jakarta Selatan. Ia mulai dipercaya untuk mengisi ceramah di masjid-masjid sekitar tempat tinggalnya maupun di acara-acara keislaman. Yen pun meninggalkan bangku pendidikannya setelah mengandung anak pertama mereka.

Di daerah pasar jum’at sekitar tempat tinggalnya, Buya Edi dikenal sebagai seorang ustad. Selain mengisi ceramah di masjid, ia juga bekerja di warnet sekitar dengan menjual jasa ketik. Setelah memiliki dua orang anak, Buya memutuskan pindah ke daerah Pasar Minggu. 
Selama di Jakarta, Buya Edi dan Yen menjalani kehidupan yang sederhana. Mereka menjalani hidup dari dasar. Yen menjadi ibu muda saat berusia 22 tahun dan mengurus rumah tangganya dengan baik. Pernikahan mereka lantas dikaruniai tujuh orang anak yaitu Fadli Rahman Ali (1987), Faiza Adelia Ali (1988), Fajri Rahim Ali (1990), Fauzan Ali (1992), Farah Mutia Ali (1996), Fariza Azkiya Ali (1997) dan si bungsu Fadlan Kamil Ali (2008).
Yen menyibukkan diri dengan mengurus dan membimbing anak-anaknya agar menjadi anak-anak yang sehat, tangkas dan disiplin. Ia juga mengajarkan ilmu-ilmu agama kepadea anak-anaknya agar mereka dapat hidup sesuai syariat islam. 

Fariza Azkiya Ali is sixth child of seven children. She usually  called dedek by her brothers and sisters in home. Born in Jakarta, August 16th, 1997 a day before the anniversary of Indonesia's independence. She was born with a weight 2.8 kilogram and long 49 centimeter. The days when she was still child, Fariza enjoy singing, playing Berbie and dolls like little girls in general.

Fariza also a cheerful and optimistic. She never made an issues. She is not a troublemaker. She is a child who is easy to get along with anyone. So, it made her have a lot of friends. He never felt smarter, do not feel stupid, do not feel envious and never disturb others.

Since childhood, Fariza has demonstrated intelligence. He likes to read, write and sing.
Fariza also pious and devout worship. It thanks to the teachings of his father and mother. Since childhood she was taught the Qur'an and also how to pray.

Fariza very familiar with her sister that is Farah Mutia Ali or familiarly called Farah. Farah was born one year before Fariza. They even like twin sisters.  They often using the same patterned clothing at various times. If Farah' hair styled with two pigtails, then Fariza also must have the same style. They are look like Tom and Jerry. It because there is no day without a fight. When in fact, they are loved to each other. but they just do not show the sense to each other's

Fariza began to enter kindergarten when she was 5 years old.  She studied  in kindergarten Islam Akbar, Depok in 2003. She have ever joined the dance competitions in the level of  Pancoran Mas district, Depok. She got the 2nd champ as a winner, and got a trophy. Additionally, she often followed fashion show competition.
It can be said that, her achievements are quite satisfactory in the kindergarten. After that, she continued her study to elementary School 2 Pancoran Mas, Depok. Its location away from home. So she was wearing a shuttle service by school's car. In addition, she was included into ten categories of students who excel.

At the first time she want to enter school in the first grade, as well as other children. Se did not want to be left by his mother. She asked her mother to escort and accompany him to the classroom and her mother should be stay in the classroom until the lesson finished. This continues for a week. While her mother back to the home, she would cry with a vengeance. But finally he could understand and no longer asks her to accompany her mother to learn in the classroom.

As time goes by, when she would promoted to fifth grade, Fariza should moved to West Sumatra. She moved to 03 Kanagarian Kubang elementary school, Payakumbuh. It is also experienced by all of his brothers. Her father and mother wanted her children still learn about religion. Because the school in Payakumbuh it prioritizes teaching about jurisprudence, religion, fiqh and etc. Finally, She can graduate with an average of 9.

After finishing her primary school, she continued his education to Depok. To get the public school is not easy. Because there are a lot of letters that should be taken care of first. And finally she received at SMP Negeri 1 Depok. During in the junior high school she had followed the  MTQ in districts of Pancoran Mas, Depok. Despite she did not being a winner, at least she gained experience. beside it, she was also following the student council organization. It motivates her to be better. She graduated with a total value of 33.00 from four subjects which tested, among others Mathematics, Science, Indonesian Language and English Language.

Then she continued her high school education at SMAN 7 Depok. There were many complaints she felt at that time. First, The school was very far from her home. It so far. But it did not dampen his desire to get an education. Every day he went to school by wearing a shuttle service . Secondly, the access road to the school was not good at that time. It is Causing many people run into an accident. Third, because This school was newly built school for 3 years when she was school in there, the infrastructure of this school and equipment in the school was still much less. On the other side, In the high senior school she entered social class. Then She can graduate with values which fairly satisfactory.

As a child, she had a lot of dreams when she was still childhood. One of them, she would become a doctor. However, over time and in  the high school she can not entered into the Science class, her dream to be a doctor should be run out. She switched to become an educator or a teacher. So she chosed universities in the area of ​​West Sumatra. Precisely at Padang State University (UNP) based on selection and value rapot self exam. She is interested in majoring PGSD which will teach the students in primary schools. However, she was not accepted in the UNP. All State University in Sumatra and also in Pekanbaru, Riau she have tried, but no chance for her. Finally, she switched to a private University in Pekanbaru, Riau. She tried to do examination and received at Lancang Kuning University, majored in English education.

At first she wanted to be an elementary school educator, never thought to take the  teachers training and education of english education department. Because she did not like English course. But thanks to the encouragement of her parents, she was still able to undergo her duties as a student at the university until this time. And she enjoyed it. Because everything in this live if it done by wholeheartedly (sepenuh hati) and have the support from parents, it would be fun and easy to walk on.


The birds are chirped each other in the morning, made Fariza awoke up from a dream . Shee woke up early for morning prayers.

As usual, she spent his days on campus. But before leaving, she always found time to tidy up her house first. She always remembered her parents message, not to trouble other people during she stayed with her cousin in Pekanbaru.

That morning, she was late 5 minutes to go to college. Upon arrival on campus, visible motorcycles lined neatly arranged in the parking of faculty of teacher training and education . No one space in there for her motorcycle to occupy the place. So, She forced to be in violation of existing regulations. She parked her two-wheeled vehicles in the cars parking area.

She looked around the campus, it looked lonely. There was only the sound of leaves rubbing each others because of the wind. Along the way to the class, Fariza seem worried. She was afraid to go to the class when the lecturer already started teaching. But the pace immediately stopped in front of the  Agus Salim Classroom on the ground floor. One of her classmates called her to join the class when she should have learned in class that were in  upstairs. In addition, there were unfamiliar faces in the room that turned out to seniors who were conducting the  proposal exam.

Fariza ventured to get into the class. Fariza chose a seat on right rear corner section. There, she looked at the faces stiff of senior whose sweaty. That was the first experience for her to see how the exam proposal take place. Her heart was beating fast as the rhythmic drum. Turns out he felt the same way with the senior being tested. NERVOUS!

Moreover, three examiners ask questions that must be answered in detail. Fariza imagined herself in a position where she is being tested. Surely she will feel stiff and also nervous. So the sweat  probably will soaked on her body.

However, it was also raised her spirits. So that later when she  will be on this position where she had to answer questions from the examiners. She can  do her best.

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