
Jumat, 24 Maret 2017


Morphology - Words, Sentences, and Dictionaries

Short story - Bestfriend, Love and Dreams

     The sun came up, and I rushed off to school due to celebrate the ceremony  of the teachers day. In this day the students are required to bring a flower to be given to the teachers as a sign of affection and gratitude for the service that they have given.

     Red flower as a form of the word love dominates among other flower. I didn't forget to bring it to give to my beloved teacher. Yaa ... even though she was very fierce in the classroom but very attentive and gentle beyond the classroom.

     When I have given a flover to my math teacher i went to take a wefie with my friends. Suddenly, someone pats my shoulder from behind. When I look back, I was surprised to see a white rose in parallel with my eyes. 

"This is for you my girl who is beautiful as a rose."
“For me, are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“But, where the flowers for the teacher?”
"I accidentally bring two roses, red and white. But white roses special for you."

    A smile spread across my cheeks. Someone and also my bestfriend whose I have admired during this time unexpectedly gave me a flower. But I didn't expect much, neverthless I was more surprised when .....

"I love you, Re!"
"Ha?" my eyes widened once heard him uttered word of love.
"I love you!"
"You don't kidding me, do you?"
"I'm serious .. I love you, even though every day we fight about little things, but you should know, I love you, Re! I'm comfortable with you."

I  was speechless.

"Re? Please, tell me something"
"M..m .. what should I say?"
"Do you love me?"

I answer with a nod.

"Do you want to be my best friend and also be my girlfriend?"
"Hmm.. Ya" My cheeks flushed and Aska pinched my cheek. 

     It was a special day in my life. Likewise the current. After seven years I spend time with him. Finally, another week, my dreams will be come true. He will make an oath for a sacred promise of marriage. and I hope It will until the last, forever with him.. 

Tha author : Nurul Fathia Salma
Friday, 24th March 2017

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Essay Writing : Technology for Students

The Example of Essay Writing

Topic : “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Technology for Students

In the era of Globalization, technology has undergone many enhancement especially in education field. Nowadays, the education becomes easier than before due to the development  of technology that has changed our world to the best. I agree with the use of technology which helpful for students and teachers.  It ease the students to get information as much as they need. It is very helpful as a reference's of the students when they have assignments. Beside that, technology can be used as a supporting tool in the implementation of teaching and learning that is used by the teacher in the classroom. As a result, they can learn quicker than the previous generations. The following paragraph will outline the contents more clearly.

Previously, the students were difficult to get the information due of the limitations of the technology, but not for now. Technology has been growing very rapidly in various fields. This is very helpful in many activities without spent a lot of time in education field. Not only for the students, but it also useful for teachers. The student can improve their creativity by using technology to make a presentation. For example, they can used computer or laptop to make a slide or movie by using Power Point Aplication and Movie Maker to complete their project. Futhermore, they can communication with the teachers via Email by using technology such as smarthphone, laptop and computer because some teachers ask the student to send their assignment via Email to reduce the use of paper.

In other words, they can use computer or smartphone with internet facility which make the students easily to get information from all over the world. They can bring smartphone to the school to help them in the learnng process even though there are students who may be using it just for chatting or playing social media that can disrupt the learning process. But that is not a obstacle. The teacher can supervise them by giving rules such as “may only use smartphone when the teachers asked”. As a result the students easily gain the knowledge from experts without having to meet. They can read a lot of books through the news, journal or even paper without going to the library.

Likewise,  technology has capability to improve how teachers run their classroom. Technology can be used as a supporting tool in the implementation of teaching and learning process,such as ; laptop as a facilitator to share material  subject, projector (in focus) used to ease in carrying out of presentation. So, the teachers and the student must be active and creative in using the technology to keep up with the education to other countries.

Technology will always be advancing. It will continue to make easier for education field, make students more intellectual about the world as a whole. These innovations in technology continue to evolve to fulfill the needs of people, especially for students.

Well, I have tried to write an essay wraiting. I hope it will be useful and I’m sorry if there are errors in my writing. Happy reading!!

Assignment of Semantic

Senin, 20 Maret 2017

The review of Semantic field, Semantic relation and Semantic components.

I’m going to share about an article that I have reviewed, the title of this article is semantic field, semantic relation and semantic components.
The author of this article is Benedict Ukpabi from ( 
This article has 17 (seventeen) pages.

The background of this article :

Semantic is one of branches of linguistics that study of meaning. It is a wide subject within the general study of language. The study of semantics includes the study of how meaning is constructed, interpreted, clarified, obscured, illustrated, simplified negotiated, contradicted and paraphrased.

This paper discussed semantic field, and semantic relation They are vital areas of consideration in the study of semantics.

In the content the author explain that :


Adrienne Lehrer (1985) defined semantic field as a set of lexemes which cover a certain conceptual domain and which bear certain specifiable relations to one another. What this means is that semantic field is a set of words or lexemes related in meaning; also called lexical field, field, or field of meaning.

Beside that, there is a term of Semantic field analysis, Semantic field analysis is the arrangement of words or lexemes into groups or fields on the basis of an element of shared meaning. This is also known as lexical field analysis.

There are lexical groups or components that made up semantic field also used for semantic field analysis. They are as follows:

1.    Meronym :  is a word that denotes a constituent part or a member of something.
  •  Example : apple is a meronym of apple tree; Finger is a meronym of hand.

The opposite of a meronym is a holonym. Holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym is a part. 
  • Example : Apple tree is a holonym of apple; hand is a holonym of finger while body is a holonym of others parts of the body like the hand, legs, ear, head, etc.

2.    Sememe : is the smallest unit of semantics, responsible for transmitting meaning in all natural languages. Sememes are a basic component of language that "can be used independently" and "expressed by specific linguistic form."
  •  Example :  the sememe ‘move’ means ‘to move’, but also conveys meanings for ‘roll’, ‘jump’, or ‘turn’ in an abstract sense.


Semantic relations or meaning relations are words that are semantically related to other words. Modern studies of semantics are interested in meaning primarily in terms of word and sentence relationships. Semantic relations are considered in terms of the following relations:

1.    Synonymy : Akwanya (1996) in Umera-Okeke (2008 p. 47) defined synonyms as “different phonological words having similar meanings”. Beside  Palmer (1996) also in Umera-Okeke opined that “synonymy is used to mean sameness of meaning”.
Example : slender/thin/skinny, Beautiful/attractive/pretty/lovely/stunning

2.    Antonym :  is a word that is the opposite meaning of another. There are 3 categories of antonyms, among others :
  •  Graded antonyms deal with levels of the meaning of the words, like if something is not “good”, it may still not be “bad.”

Examples are :
1)    Fat and skinny
2)    Young and old
3)    Happy and sad
4)    Hard and soft
  •    Complementary antonyms have a relationship where there is no middle ground. There are only two possibilities, either one or the other.

Examples are :
1)    Man and woman
2)    Push and pull
3)    Dead and alive
4)    Day and night
  • Relational antonyms are sometimes considered a subcategory of complementary antonyms. With these pairs, for there to be a relationship, both must exist.

Examples are:
1)    Husband and wife
2)    Doctor and patient
3)    Buy and sell
4)    Servant and master

3. Polysemy is a meaning relation whereby a single lexical item has several (apparaently) related meanings. That is the several meanings of  a polysemous word must belong to a common semantic field.
            Examples :
  •         Head: (1) leader of a group , (2) Part of body, (3) Part of furniture, (4) Part of a coin
  • ·      Foot:   (1) as part of the body, (2) as part of a mountain, (3) as part of a bridge, (4) as part of a bed.

4.    Hyponymy is the more specific concept and the more general concept is known as the hypernym.
      Examples are : Manggo- fruit ; Car- vehicles ; table- furniture ; Hen - animal.
·         The verb ‘colour’ has many hyponyms
 Word: colour (hypernym)
 Hyponyms: blue, red, yellow, green, white, black, purple and pink.
·         The verb ‘cook’ has many hyponyms.
Word: Cook (hypernym)
Hyponyms: Roast (Memanggang), boil (merebus), fry (menggoreng), grill (memanggang), bake (membakar).


1.    Semantic components is a potentially contrastive part of the meaning of a lexical unit.
2.    Kinds of semantic components:
·        Contrastive, also known as: diagnostic, distinctive, essential is distinguishing one lexical unit from another.
Example : “Male” is the contrastive semantic component distinguishing man from woman, and boy from girl
·         Shared, also known as common is Occuring in each member of a group of lexical units.
Example :
1)    “Human” is a shared component for man, woman, boy, and girl.
2)    ‘Animal’ is a shared component for goat, cow, dog, cat.
3)    ‘Female’ is a shared component for woman, girl.

So, in the conclution:

Semantic is one of branches of linguistics that study of meaning. The study of semantics includes the study of how meaning is constructed, interpreted, clarified, obscured, illustrated, simplified negotiated, contradicted and paraphrased.

I got the points that this paper discusses semantic field includes : Meronym and Sememe. Beside that Semantic relations are considered in terms of the following relation such as; Synonymy,  Antonym, Hyponymy and Polysemy. In addition Semantic components is  a potentially contrastive part of the meaning of a lexical unit. The kinds of semantic components are Contrastive which distinguishes one lexical unit from another and Shared which Occur in each member of a group of lexical units. So we can show the similarities and differences of meaning between one word to another word.

The weakness :

Semantic components of lexical items create room for ambiguity of meaning. Finding a specific meaning of a lexeme becomes difficult except on pragmatic ground where context of usage could help to deduce the meaning of a lexeme beside that I am still confused in distinguishing between the hyponym and hypernym.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Article Review of Semantics

Author : Dewi Ayu Tri Anjani
Title    : Task Of Introduction To Linguistics “Semantic”


Semantic is one of branches of linguistics that study of meaning. As a branch of linguistics, Semantics related with other scope like syntax, phonology, even morphology. In other word, semantic is a central area in linguistics. It is also one of the problematic areas. The study of meaning in language must include the meaning of words, sentences, and utterances, namely sentences which are used in context.

There are four theories of semantic, among others :

1. Modal throric semantics : A  theory of natural language which use denotations (meanings).
2. Formal (or truth-conditional) semantics : To know the meaning of S is to know when S is true; that is, to know the conditions that make it true: its truth-conditions. For example "I don't have 1 thousand rupiah in my wallet" It can be true or false depending on condition.
3. Lexical semantics : A linguistic theory that investigates word meaning. This theory understands that the meaning of a word is fully reflected by its context.
4. Computational semantics : Computational semantics is focused on the processing of linguistic meaning.

There are two approaches to the study of meaning  in language according to ( Leech, 1981; Palmer, 1982). those are :
1. The Contextual Approach :
The contextual approach to meaning views meaning in language in terms of context, situation, or use. In this approach necessitates the existence of an external stimulus that triggers the human brain to produce meaning as a response to the stimulus.
2. The Menatlistic Approach :
The mentalistic approach to meaning in language views meaning as concepts, ideas and images which are stored in the long-term memory of the human brain; meaning is inside the brain, for example symbol and sign, they are a language which use picture to deliver the meaning, and other example :
·         The Word love makes a different sense to different people. The way in which they understand this word must be in reference with their experiences and ideas relating to this word. Maybe for some people the word "love" means painful but some others interpret the word "love" as something that is very happy, or feeling good
·         In America, socialism and communism are considered as a negative word. People even use the word communist to humble other people. Whereas in china, the word communism is much of a great word and idea.

So, from this Article I got the point that Semantics is a study of meaning and as a part of grammar in language. As a study of meaning , semantics include of words, sentences, utterances that have meaning, signs, symbols, and everything which has a meaning is closely related to Semantic.

But I still need more detail explanation about semantic. Because, this article doesn’t give a complete examples and explanation about theory and approaches to the study of meaning. 

Thank you