
Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Short story - Bestfriend, Love and Dreams

     The sun came up, and I rushed off to school due to celebrate the ceremony  of the teachers day. In this day the students are required to bring a flower to be given to the teachers as a sign of affection and gratitude for the service that they have given.

     Red flower as a form of the word love dominates among other flower. I didn't forget to bring it to give to my beloved teacher. Yaa ... even though she was very fierce in the classroom but very attentive and gentle beyond the classroom.

     When I have given a flover to my math teacher i went to take a wefie with my friends. Suddenly, someone pats my shoulder from behind. When I look back, I was surprised to see a white rose in parallel with my eyes. 

"This is for you my girl who is beautiful as a rose."
“For me, are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“But, where the flowers for the teacher?”
"I accidentally bring two roses, red and white. But white roses special for you."

    A smile spread across my cheeks. Someone and also my bestfriend whose I have admired during this time unexpectedly gave me a flower. But I didn't expect much, neverthless I was more surprised when .....

"I love you, Re!"
"Ha?" my eyes widened once heard him uttered word of love.
"I love you!"
"You don't kidding me, do you?"
"I'm serious .. I love you, even though every day we fight about little things, but you should know, I love you, Re! I'm comfortable with you."

I  was speechless.

"Re? Please, tell me something"
"M..m .. what should I say?"
"Do you love me?"

I answer with a nod.

"Do you want to be my best friend and also be my girlfriend?"
"Hmm.. Ya" My cheeks flushed and Aska pinched my cheek. 

     It was a special day in my life. Likewise the current. After seven years I spend time with him. Finally, another week, my dreams will be come true. He will make an oath for a sacred promise of marriage. and I hope It will until the last, forever with him.. 

Tha author : Nurul Fathia Salma
Friday, 24th March 2017

10 komentar:

  1. So interest Nurul ..
    Keep writing dear. 👍

  2. So interest Nurul ..
    Keep writing dear. 👍

  3. you may be a scenario writer, bby okinnnn heheh

  4. i really like your story may be we can make story together.. keep blogging yaa

  5. So sweet .aaaargh i can imagine

  6. Nice story. So long, but has many value in your story

  7. nice story !!!! i really like it

  8. Nice story..It is your own exprerience or not??
