
Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Article Review of Semantics

Author : Dewi Ayu Tri Anjani
Title    : Task Of Introduction To Linguistics “Semantic”


Semantic is one of branches of linguistics that study of meaning. As a branch of linguistics, Semantics related with other scope like syntax, phonology, even morphology. In other word, semantic is a central area in linguistics. It is also one of the problematic areas. The study of meaning in language must include the meaning of words, sentences, and utterances, namely sentences which are used in context.

There are four theories of semantic, among others :

1. Modal throric semantics : A  theory of natural language which use denotations (meanings).
2. Formal (or truth-conditional) semantics : To know the meaning of S is to know when S is true; that is, to know the conditions that make it true: its truth-conditions. For example "I don't have 1 thousand rupiah in my wallet" It can be true or false depending on condition.
3. Lexical semantics : A linguistic theory that investigates word meaning. This theory understands that the meaning of a word is fully reflected by its context.
4. Computational semantics : Computational semantics is focused on the processing of linguistic meaning.

There are two approaches to the study of meaning  in language according to ( Leech, 1981; Palmer, 1982). those are :
1. The Contextual Approach :
The contextual approach to meaning views meaning in language in terms of context, situation, or use. In this approach necessitates the existence of an external stimulus that triggers the human brain to produce meaning as a response to the stimulus.
2. The Menatlistic Approach :
The mentalistic approach to meaning in language views meaning as concepts, ideas and images which are stored in the long-term memory of the human brain; meaning is inside the brain, for example symbol and sign, they are a language which use picture to deliver the meaning, and other example :
·         The Word love makes a different sense to different people. The way in which they understand this word must be in reference with their experiences and ideas relating to this word. Maybe for some people the word "love" means painful but some others interpret the word "love" as something that is very happy, or feeling good
·         In America, socialism and communism are considered as a negative word. People even use the word communist to humble other people. Whereas in china, the word communism is much of a great word and idea.

So, from this Article I got the point that Semantics is a study of meaning and as a part of grammar in language. As a study of meaning , semantics include of words, sentences, utterances that have meaning, signs, symbols, and everything which has a meaning is closely related to Semantic.

But I still need more detail explanation about semantic. Because, this article doesn’t give a complete examples and explanation about theory and approaches to the study of meaning. 

Thank you

5 komentar:

  1. Hy nurul
    I wanna ask you about modal trhoric
    Can you give example?
    Thank you

  2. Im still understand about theories of semantic..

  3. i still not understand about theory of semantics,can you give me explain more nurul?

  4. Your Matterial Perfect Nurul
    I like your Video,So?? Good luck Mrs.Nurul ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  5. Please, give more explain about two approaches to the study of meaning. I am still confused.
