
Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Introduction to Linguistics

Language experts generally define linguistics as ``the scientific study of language``. (Lyons, 2002:1). I have read a few blogs and book as my references. from the reference that I have read,
Linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories of study, such as: language in context, language meaning, and language form.

Language in context includes: language acquisition, neurolinguistics, psycholingustics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and evolutionary linguistics.

The study of language meaning is concerned with how languages employ logical structure and real-world references to convey, process and assign meaning, as well as to manage and resolve ambiguity. 

The study of language structure or form, focuses on the system of rules followed by the speakers (or hearers) of a language. It consists of morphology, phonology, phonetics, and syntax.

Linguistics is also a branch of cognitive science. Cognitive science is a term for a group of disciplines that have the same goal: defining and analyzing human being`s ability to think . The discipline of linguistics, in connecting with psychology, philosophy, and computer science thus forms an important subdiscipline in cognitive science

The part of linguistics that is concerned with the structure of language is divided into a number of branches:

1. General linguistics generally describes the concepts and categories of a particular language or among all language. It also provides analyzed theory of the language.
2. Pure Linguistics is narrower view. It is concerned internal view of language itself (structure of language systems) without related to other sciences. Some fields of pure linguistic:

a) Phonetics, is  the science that addresses how a voice can be formed using some parts of the body.
b) Phonology, is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.
c) Morphology, is the study of the forms of words, and the ways in which words are related to other words of the same language
d) Lexicology is the part of linguistics which studies words.
e) Syntax ,is  the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences or is  the grammar, structure, or order of the elements in a language statement.
f) Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics) and fixed word combinations (phraseology), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences

3. Applied linguistic is the most concerned with application of the concepts in everyday life, including language-teaching. It is the broadest view of language. It is concerned external view of language itself with related to other sciences and how to apply it in daily life. Some fields of micro linguistic:

a) Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used (literally, figuratively, or otherwise) in communicative acts
b) Discourse analysis, the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, written, or signed). It is sometimes defined as the analysis of language 'beyond the sentence'.
c) Stylistics, is the study and interpretation of texts in regard to their linguistic and tonal style.
d) Developmental linguistics, is the study of the development of linguistic ability in an individual, particularly the acquisition of language in childhood.
e) Historical linguistics or Diachronic linguistics, the study of language change or  is the scientific study of language change over time.
f)  Language geography, the study of the spatial patterns of languages.
g) Evolutionary linguistics,  is the  study of the psychosocial development and cultural evolution of individual languages as well as the original and development of human language itself
h) Psycholinguisticsis a branch of cognitive science. It is the study of the cognitive processes and representations underlying language use.
i)   Sociolinguistics, the study of social patterns and norms of linguistic variability.
j)   Clinical linguistics, the application of linguistic theory to the area of Speech-Language Pathology.
k)   Neurolinguistics, the study of the brain networks that underlie grammar and communication.
l)   Biolinguistics, the study of natural as well as human-taught communication systems in animals compared to human language.
m)  Computational linguistics, the study of computational implementations of linguistic structures.

     So, Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Linguistics have a lot of branches, among others Generally Linguistics, Pure Linguistics, and Appied linguistic. beside it, Linguistics is also a branch of cognitive science which is a term for a group of science disciplines to defining and analyzing human ability to think. Linguistics also devided into three categories of study: language in context, language meaning, and language form.

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