
Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

My Biography

    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..

     Hallo, My name is Nurul Fathia Salma, I usually called Thia. My name has a meaning "Cahaya Pertama Keselamatan". For me, it was a beautiful name whom given my parents. My last name used my Father's name. My father's name is Salman and My mother is Yenni Marnini. I was born in Jakarta, December 7th 1996. Now, I'm 19th years old.

     I'm the first child of three siblings. My sister is Shafira Salma who now sits on the second grade of Senior High School,  and My little brother is Ibnu Salam Alpadani who now sits on kindergarten.

    I ever school in Darunnaim kindergarten in Jakarta, and Elementary school in SDN Semanan Percontohan 08 Jakarta Barat. Then I continue junior high school in SMPN 45 RSBI Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat who is one of the favorite schools in Jakarta and I also continue senior high school in one of the favorite school SMAN 33 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat but I must moved when I rise to the third class. I moved to Pekanbaru, and I school in SMA 3 Pekanbaru for 1 years.

     I got a lot of achievements during school. In the kindergarten I got appreciation as a winner None Jakarta and other race. In elementary school, I followed a lot of race, included : Singing, story telling versus seniors when I was fourth class, Math Olympiad, painting competition, and also I always got first or second ranking in the class. I got the second best final grades in Elementary school. In the Junior High School, I’ve followed the race of craft art and got the third champion in the province and also I’ve followed the reporter competition. and I got a perfect math score in national exams. When I was Senior high school, I was in social class and I’ve followed a painting competition who organized by the police in Pekanbaru.

    Actually, I had got nursery school in Padang after graduated high school. But, I don’t take it because I’m afraid of blood. So, I choose English Department, Faculty Teachers Training and Education at University of Lancang Kuning.

    Although  I don’t skillful in English Language. I’ll continue strive to be better. And Alhamdulillah in the first semester, I got a good score, 3.9 as my IP in the first semester. I know, this is just the beginning. I will try to maintain my score.

    My daily activity are go to campus. Before that, I must take care of my little brother, bathe him, and take him to school. That’s why sometimes I came late to the campus. After college, I went to my parent’s shop to help my father and mother until midnight. If I have duties, I don’t go to shop, I just helped them when they want to close it. Sometimes I went to play with my friends to relieve boredom.

     Ok, that’s my story. Thanks for reading my Biography..

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb..

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