
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

My book "An introduction to Linguistics"

      I have a book which entitled "An introduction of Linguistics". The outhor of this book is Loreto Todd.

     Loreto Todd is Professor of English at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. Born in Northern Ireland, she attended Queen's University, Belfast where her classmates included poet Seamus Heaney and writer Seamus Deane. She worked in England for many years, and was director of the programme of World English Research at the University of Leeds, England. She has written 30 books, over 80 articles and chapters in books; over 100 reviews, short papers and has edited several journals.

     On the content of this book which entitled "An Introductions of Linguistics" has 9 chapter, the each of the chapters are going to explain
about : 
1. What is Linguistics?
2. Phonology
3. The sounds of English
4. Morphology
5. Lexicology
6. Syntax
7. Semantics
8. Linguistics
9. Branches of Linguistics

     I think, this is a good book to undergraduate students like my self.  A clear, straightforward guide to the rudiments of linguistics, aimed at undergraduate students or anyone who wants to learn about the introduction of linguistics. Cause, in the content of this book explains to us about the technical features, and leads to a full understanding, providing the sound base needed for exploring other branches of the field. 

3 komentar:

  1. How about giving a short brief overview about every chapter... it will be nice, i think!

  2. Ok Sir, thank you so much 😊
    I'll add a short brief overview about every chapter..

  3. Ok Sir, thank you so much 😊
    I'll add a short brief overview about every chapter..
