
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016


       Phonetic is the science that addresses how a voice can be formed using some parts of the body, namely the lips, teeth, tongue, pharynx and lungs. Science is only to discuss the relationship of the parts of the body that produce sound. For the formation of a language, perception of sound production to be studied in the science on this one. In the study of phonetic knowledge, you will recognize three types of phonetic among articulatory phonetic namely the study course of sound is formed, auditory phonetic namely the study of a language accepted by the audience and acoustic phonetic.
      In the science on this one, you will learn about the manner of articulation and place of articulation. 
       Place of articulation is divided into six of the bilabial, labiodentals, dental, pabial, velar, glottal. Voiceless voiced pronunciation and also discussed in this science. is the science that addresses how a voice can be formed using some parts of the body, namely the lips, teeth, tongue, pharynx and lungs. Science is only to discuss the relationship of the parts of the body that produce sound. For the formation of a language, perception of sound production to be studied in the science on this one. In the study of phonetic knowledge, you will recognize three types of phonetic among articulatory phonetic namely the study course of sound is formed, auditory phonetic namely the study of a language accepted by the audience and acoustic phonetic.


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